Institute of Clinical Neurobiology

Our main focus is on:

  • Research on disease mechanisms for neuro­degenerative disorders, in particular motoneuron disorders.
  • Generation and analysis of cell culture and mouse ­models for motoneuron disease.
  • Development of therapeutic strategies for treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular ­atrophy.
  • Characterization and analysis of signalling p­athways for neuronal survival, differentiation, axon growth and neuronal cell death.
  • Genetic analysis of patients with motoneuron ­disease.
  • Participation in European (Euro-MOTOR) and
  • German Networks (MND-Disease Network, BMBF Dystonia Network, ForIPS) for Neuro­degenerative Disorders


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday
08:00 AM to 16:00 PM

08:00 AM to 14:00 PM


Secretary's office

Judita Kiehl
Urveen Oberoi-Lehrieder
Roswitha Gerhard

+49 931 201-44001


Institut für Klinische Neurobiologie des Universitätsklinikums | Versbacherstraße 5 | Haus E4 | 97080 Würzburg | Deutschland