Lectures and courses

You would like to get an overview of the courses? Here you will find a rough orientation.

Lectures and seminars

Since the recent amendment of the licensing regulations, anesthesiology has become a compulsory subject in medical studies. The lectures, seminars and practical exercises are firmly integrated into the timetable of the clinical study section of human medicine and start in the 3rd / 5th clinical semester. In the main lecture we teach the basics of anesthesia and intensive care medicine. It serves as preparation for the seminar offered in the following semester. The seminar Anesthesiology for students in the 9th semester is a compulsory course. In addition, we offer numerous supplementary courses. The lecture series for pain therapy as well as for emergency medicine deepen the content of the two main pillars of the subject of anesthesiology. For further details on dates and courses please refer to the current university calendar.

Information on the catalogue of learning objectives (DGAI)

The teaching of basic and special knowledge in this subject is defined in the national catalogue of learning objectives, which aims to define those competences that students should acquire nationwide in relation to the subject of anesthesiology, as well as the interdisciplinary borderline areas, by the end of their studies.

Contents of the catalogue of learning objectives

Analogous to the national catalogue of learning objectives, comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of anaesthesia are imparted on the anesthesia procedures anesthesia, regional anesthesia and local anesthesia including their pre- and post-treatment. This also includes the maintenance of vital functions during surgical and diagnostic procedures including monitoring. The continuation of the intensive treatment of critically ill patients of all age groups is defined under the learning objectives in the field of intensive medicine.

To the detailed learning objectives of anesthesia and intensive care

Competence context

Since, in addition to the standard curricular studies, there are also options for specialisation within the framework of an optional subject or the practical year (PJ), an attempt is made, in accordance with the national catalogue of learning objectives, to meet the challenge with regard to learning objectives by defining a different context of competence. This essentially involves the classification of knowledge and skills into three successive levels.

Competence A: Non-subject-specific general competence

Imparting basic and basic skills which are not primarily specific to anesthesia, but which are used in anesthesia is part of the daily clinical routine and is based on a historically grown expertise. Examples of this are the laying of accesses, quality management, monitoring or equipment knowledge.

Competence B: Specialist general competence

To impart a basic and basic competence which is part of the core competence of the subject of anesthesiology and which is expected from a licensed physician at the end of medical studies. Examples of this are mask ventilation and the handling of a larynx tube.

Competence C: Specialist competence

Imparting special anesthesiological knowledge and skills that go beyond competence B. These can be expected from students who have completed a tertiary in anesthesiology during the Practical Year (PJ) or have additionally taken an elective in this field. Examples of Competence C are anesthesiology management or dealing with difficult breathing conditions.


The assignment of the three categories A, B or C to the individual learning objectives in the catalogue of learning objectives should help to better assess the expectations and to assist the lecturers in classifying the degree of specialisation. The restructuring of the Catalogue of Learning Objectives of 2015 is based on the wish "to contribute to the improvement of the situation of students and lecturers as well as the attractiveness of the subject of anesthesiology".


Changes regarding dates and offers will be announced on the notice board in the Center for Surgical Medicine (ZOM), or via the course catalogue and WueCampus.

Practical year (PJ)

For students who are completing a tertial of their practical year in anesthesiology, there are a number of courses for which attendance is compulsory. Please refer to the information sheet Teaching for students in the PJ for details.

Invitation to continuing education courses

All students are cordially invited to our regular training events, where we report on current developments and present case studies.


Portraitbild von I. Fleißner / Fotograf: Stefan Krummer / Universitätsklinikum Würzburg

Isabelle Fleißner


+49 931 201-30605
