Teaching, further education and training
Students are introduced to the contents of the subject anesthesiology in numerous lectures and seminars. Since we strive to teach the four faculties - anesthesiology, intensive medicine, emergency medicine and pain medicine - in a lively and practice-oriented way from the very beginning, there is also the possibility of completing internships, clinical traineeships and part of the practical year (PJ) in our clinic.
The Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, Emergency and Pain Medicine, University Hospital Wuerzburg offers you ideal conditions on your way to become a specialist. We have full authorisation for further training. In addition, the additional titles "Special anesthesiological pain therapy" and "Special anesthesiological intensive medicine" can be acquired. Our own intensive care unit and an interdisciplinary pain centre offer excellent conditions for this effort.
A wide range of simulation workshops offers the opportunity to prepare for critical situations in emergency medicine or in the operating theatre and to acquire safety. The training in the simulation centre is a practical component of a series of possible advanced training events, which deal with selected topics of anesthesiology.