He will be the third internationally renowned luminary in pain research to visit the research group under the guidance of Prof. Heike Rittner (MD) and Prof. Claudia Sommer (MD), following in the footsteps of Professors Geha and Price. As with his predecessors, we anticipate an inspiring exchange regarding bilateral research projects and lively discussions concerning the significance and practical implications of the latest research findings.
Prof. Dib-Hajj's specialty lies in sodium channels and their role in the development of chronic pain. Mutations in certain proteins of these voltage-gated ion channels affect the excitability of nociceptors. The excitation threshold of such sensory nerve cells, which receive and transmit electrical pain impulses, is lowered, thereby promoting chronic pain. In his research, the neurobiologist also uses live imaging techniques to visually document the activity of channels in sensory axons.
International recognition
Dr. Dib-Hajj is a Professor of Neurology at the Yale School of Medicine and Deputy Director of the Veteran Administration Medical Center in West Haven, Connecticut. He completed his undergraduate studies at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and earned his doctoral degree at Ohio State University, Columbus. Through numerous publications and the establishment of an extensive research network at academia and industry, he has earned significant international recognition. Additionally, he serves as a board member of the National Disease Research Interchange, a non-profit organization supporting the use of human tissue for research purposes.
During his visit from May 16th to 17th, 2024, Prof. Dib-Hajj will deliver a lecture on his research field titled: "Building excitable membranes in sensory neurons".
More information about Prof. Dib-Hajj's lecture, like time and place, can be found in the flyer and in the calendar.
Further information about Prof. Dib-Hajj and his research.