Poseidon – AI-based polyp size estimation

Poseidon is a polyp size measurement system based on a combination of two artificial intelligence algorithms. The first one is our real-time polyp detection system EndoMind, which outlines a polyp with a bounding box. The second algorithm is designed to segment the water jet in the image, which is used as the measurement reference. Furthermore, a mathematical model of the water jet was generated through a series of measurements to support the artificial intelligence algorithms. Poseidon calculates the size of a polyp based on the results from the two algorithms, and the mathematical model – by simply comparing the size of the bounding box with the width of the water jet.
There are several benefits of utilizing a water jet as a measurement reference, as the need for additional tools and instruments is eliminated, resulting in cost and time savings, while still achieving a significant improvement in measurement accuracy. Furthermore, this concept allows our system to be applied with a wide range of endoscopes with minimal effort. The only requirement is that they possess a water jet channel.
It uses the auxiliary water jet as a reference and does not require additional devices or instruments for measurement. The system demonstrated a significantly higher accuracy than other commonly used polyp sizing methods in both, the colon model and clinical routine. In the future, we will work to further develop the system - making it compatible with additional endoscopic systems and devices.
The software Poseidon for the CADe system EndoMind is freely available for research purposes:
Sudarevic B et al. (2023)
Artificial intelligence based polyp size measurement in gastrointestinal endoscopy using the auxiliary water jet as a reference.
Endoscopy. 2023 Apr 20.
doi: 10.1055/a-2077-7398
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For any questions and additional explanations please feel free to contact the author Alexander Hann. E-mail: hann_a@ ukw.de