Bipolar-affctive disorder

People with bipolar affective disorder fluctuate between periods of sadness and depression and periods of abnormally cheerful or irritable mood with increased impulsiveness, known as mania. Between these phases, people with the disorder are completely healthy. In the past, this mental disorder was called manic-depression.

Causes and diagnosis

Bipolar affective disorder, which oscillates between the two poles of mood (Latin: bipolar) of great depression and exaggerated euphoria, is relatively common in the adult population, affecting around one percent. Its causes are manifold and for the most part still not understood. It is known, however, that stress and predisposing factors play a major role. Those affected have no voluntary influence on the ups and downs of their emotional states (Latin: affectus). This serves as a criterion to distinguishing them from natural mood swings. Owing to the gradual nature of the condition, diagnosis can sometimes prove difficult.

Therapy spectrum

On our main ward 3-West, which has been certified by the German Society for Bipolar Disorders (DGBS) as the only facility in northern Bavaria to date, we offer a comprehensive and integrated therapy concept. With a total of 23 inpatient beds as well as in the affiliated specialized out-patient clinic, we develop individual therapy plans for each patient based on the S3 guidelines of the DGPPN:

Family involvement

If desired, relatives can be closely involved in the treatment, for example in discussions with the doctor. In addition, our own psychoeducation groups provide basic knowledge about the disorder and how to deal with the affected family member. The specific problems that can arise in the children of patients are addressed in the family consultation sessions provided by the social welfare service “Diakonie Würzburg”.

We work closely with the self-help group for people with bipolar disorders in the Würzburg area.

Telephone consultation hours

To be able to offer low-threshold help, we offer telephone consultation hours every Thursday from 3pm to 5pm.
We are available for patients and their relatives on +49 931 201-76521.

Further information

You can find more information on bipolar disorder on the German Society for Bipolar Disorders (DGBS) website, in our flyer and in a short film showcasing bipolar disorders (in German).



Mediation and information

Phone: +49 931 201 76050
Fax: +49 931 201-77550


Phone: + 49 931 201-77800
E-Mail: ep_poli@ 

In-patient care
Phone: +49 931 201-76050
E-Mail: ep_poli@ 

Clinic directorate

Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Deckert

Secretary´s office
Phone: +49 931 201-77010
Fax: : +49 931 201-77020
E-Mail: ps_sekr@ 


Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums | Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1 | 97080 Würzburg | Deutschland
