Three day care units
Advantages of day-care treatment
In contrast to outpatient appointments, day-care treatment offers the advantage of being able to better observe the entire course of a disease. In particular, when new medication is administered, the success of the therapy can be assessed over the entire daily rhythm and the treatment can be adjusted immediately. In addition, the large number of different individual and group therapies allows an intensive and individually tailored treatment concept that promises the best support possible. Nevertheless, in contrast to a full inpatient stay, patients remain in their familiar surroundings in the evening and on weekends and can immediately try out and consolidate the acquired knowledge in everyday life.
Course and duration
The day-care treatment takes place Monday to Friday from 8:00 am or 8:30 am to 16:00 pm. Depending on the clinical symptoms and the specific nature of the disorder, treatment usually lasts between two and six weeks. The patients eat lunch together. Afterwards there are rest and relaxation opportunities. The daily arrival and departure must be organised independently.
Generally, registration for a therapy place is made by the patient’s physician directly with the respective day care unit. In the case of a full inpatient stay in our hospital, further treatment in one of our day care units will be arranged by mutual agreement.
Three separate locations
The general psychiatric day care unit with 17 patients is located in the old part of the University Hospital in building D16 at Josef-Schneider-Street and is mainly aimed at patients who are impaired in their everyday life by psychosis diseases.
The psychosomatic day care unit with 18 patients is an interdisciplinary facility of Psychiatry and Internal Medicine II and is located in the old part of the University Hospital in building D12 at Josef-Schneider-Str. 2. Patients with physical symptoms based on psychiatric diseases or with psychiatric symptoms of physical diseases are being treated.
The neurogerontopsychiatric day care unit with 18 patients is an interdisciplinary facility of Psychiatry and Neurology. It is located on the premises of the Bürgerspital Würzburg at Semmelstraße 2-4 and treats mental conditions that occur mainly in the elderly.
Clinic directorate
Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Walther
Secretary´s office
Phone: +49 931 201-77010
Fax: : +49 931 201-77020
E-Mail: ps_sekr@ ukw.de
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums | Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1 | 97080 Würzburg | Deutschland