Lectures and courses
The most important courses
We have listed the most important lectures, practical courses, or seminars for the individual fields of study with their course numbers. Detailed information about the lectures in the current semester can be found in the University of Würzburg's course catalogue.
Human medicine
- "Klinische Visite in der Psychiatrie" (03040700) is a pre-clinical elective course and conveys conversation in direct contact with the patient.
- "Psychiatric Neuroscience" (03260300), seminar elective from the 6th semester onwards, introduces the scientific fundamentals of the subject using animal models, molecular and genetic analyses, but also imaging techniques such as fMRI and NIRS.
- "Verhaltenstherapie" (03261000), seminar elective from the 6th semester onwards, teaches the theoretical principles of cognitive behavioural therapy.
- "Klinische Visite auf psychiatrischen Schwerpunktstationen" (03260420), Uak elective from the 6th semester onwards, enables students to become acquainted with the spectrum of mental illnesses in everyday clinical practice by participating in rounds with senior physicians.
- "Integriertes Praktikum der PPP des Kindes-, Jugend- und Erwachsenenalters" (03270500) with a lecture of the same name is a prerequisite from the 9th semester onwards in order to receive the certificates "Psychiatry and Psychotherapy" and "Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy" according to ÄApprO after passing the interdisciplinary performance record (FÜG III).
- "Block practical course optional subject "UaK" – 10th Semester" (03090300) can also be completed in the psychiatric clinic for up to two weeks as part of the block practical course.
- In-house and PJ-specific courses are held if you decide to do your elective term in psychiatry during the Praktisches Jahr.
Translational Neuroscience (MA)
Since winter semester 15/16, students who have completed a Bachelor's degree (BA) in certain courses of study can enrol for the English-language Master's degree (MA) in "Translational Neuroscience", following a specific selection procedure. The Psychiatric Neurosciences are represented here with a module from the lecture "Psychiatric Neurosciences-Lecture" (03592210) and the tutorial "Psychiatric Neurosciences - Tutorial" (03592200). The practice-oriented modules "Methods in Neuroscience" (03591100) and "Experimental Psychiatry" (03592800) can also be completed in our research departments, as well as the laboratory training courses "Advanced lab rotation 1" (03591200), "Advanced lab rotation 2" (03591900) and "Advanced lab rotation 3" (03592000).
Psychology (MA)
Students in the Master's program in Psychology can take the subsidiary subject "Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy" or "Forensic Psychiatry" as an elective. For further information, please refer to the online course catalogue under "Psychiatry for Students of Psychology and Academic Speech Therapy/Logopedics" as well as under "Forensic Psychiatry for Medical Professionals, Psychologists, Lawyers and Educators" and under "Seminar on Treatment in Forensic Psychiatry".
Postgraduate study program
The postgraduate course "Psychological Psychotherapy - Behavioral Therapy" organized by the Continuing Education Committee for Psychological Psychotherapy (WAPP) is accompanied by a variety of courses offered by our department, which are embedded in a structured curriculum.
Biology (BA/MA)
The curriculum of both the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in biology includes five neurobiological courses that focus on the neurobiological basics of our subject. These are:
- Neurobiology 2 – Clinical Neurobiology
- Neurobiology 2 – General Neurobiology
- Neurobiology 3
- Neurobiology F1
- Neurobiology F2
Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS)
Together with the heads of our research groups, the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) with its structured programs is our cooperation partner for your doctorate.
Academic Speech Therapy/Logopedia (BA)
In the sub-module "Psychiatry and Psychosomatics" of the module 06-SH-MedPsychiat, students of the BA course Academic Speech Therapy/Logopedics attend the course Psychiatry for Students of Psychology and Academic Speech Therapy/Logopedics (03823800).
Social Pedagogy (MA)/Social Work (FH)
Psychoeducation and methodological aspects in the professional environment of mentally ill people are the focus of the curricular project work of the master's course in social work at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
Courses for education and law students
Students of the BA/MA programs and state examination programs in Pedagogy, Special Education and Law are cordially invited to participate in the supplementary courses "Psychiatry for Students of Psychology and Academic Speech Therapy/Logopedics" and "Forensic Psychiatry for Medical Professionals, Psychologists, Lawyers and Pedagogues".
You can also register for all lectures, courses and seminars via the course catalogue, unless otherwise stated.
Clinic directorate
Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Deckert
Secretary´s office
Phone: +49 931 201-77010
Fax: : +49 931 201-77020
E-Mail: ps_sekr@ ukw.de
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums | Margarete-Höppel-Platz 1 | 97080 Würzburg | Deutschland