• Illustration: Im Spulenlabor des DZHI
  • Illustration: Forschung am 7Tesla
  • Illustration: Herzstück des DZHI - das 7Telsa-MRT

Welcome to the Core Facility Cardiovascular Imaging

The core facility provides a central access structure to imaging facilities within the CHFC. The CHFC as well as a number of groups within Würzburg University and Würzburg University Hospital provide cardiovascular imaging support. The core facility bundles these in that all imaging requests can be submitted to the core facility, where it will be forwarded to the imaging facility that best fulfills the needs of the researcher, and where sufficient imaging capacity is available.

Questions regarding imaging, e.g. the choice of the imaging modality, what imaging can do for a specific research project, or regarding later data analysis may also be directed to the core facility.

The core facility offers access to state-of-the-art imaging. For some research questions, this may not be sufficient. Minor improvements or adaptions to existing imaging techniques can be performed within the core facility. If major developments would be required, a research collaboration with member institutions of the core facility may be a better approach. The core facility will provide contact to researchers in this case. 



Contact Person

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. et med. habil.
Laura Schreiber MBA

Leiterin des Departments Bildgebung

+49 931 201-46365



+49 931 201-46333 (office)

+49 931 201-46300/01 (outpatient department)



Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz Würzburg | Universitätsklinikum Würzburg |
Am Schwarzenberg 15 | Haus A15 | 97078 Würzburg | Deutschland
