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Aktuelle Auswahl von 10 repräsentativen Publikationen  

  1. Hein, G., Morishima, Y., Sul, S., Leiberg, S., Fehr, E. (2016). The brain's functional architecture reveals human motives. Science, 351(6277), 1074-1078.
    - Comment: Gluth, S., & Fontanesi, L. (2016). Wiring the altruistic brain. Science, 351(6277), 1028-1029.
  2. Hein, G., Engelmann, J. B., Vollberg, M., Tobler P. N. (2016). How learning shapes the empathic brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(1), 80-85.
  3. Kang, P., Burke, C. J., Tobler, P. N., Hein, G. (2021). Why we learn less from observing outgroups. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(1), 144-152.
  4. Zhou, Y., Lindström B., Soutchek, A., Kang, P., Tobler P. N., Hein, G. (2022). Learning from ingroup experiences changes attitudes and neural responses towards outgroups. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(36), 6931–6945.
  5. Zhou, Y., Han, S., Kang, P., Tobler, P.N., Hein G. (2024). The social transmission of empathy relies on observational reinforcement learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 10.1073, 2313073121.
  6. Saulin, A., Ting, C., Engelmann, J. B., Hein, G. (2024). Connected in bad times and in good times: Empathy induces stable social closeness. Journal of Neuroscience, 44 (23), 1108-23.2024.
  7. Weiß, M., Saulin, A., Iotzov, V., Hewig, J., Hein, G. (2023). Can monetary incentives overturn fairness-based decisions? [Registered Report] Royal Society Open Science, 10: 211983.
  8. Qi, Y., Bruch, D., Krop, P., Herrmann, M. J., Latoschik, M. E., Deckert, J., Hein, G. (2021). Social buffering of human fear is shaped by gender, social concern and the presence of real vs virtual agents.Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 641.
  9. Weiß, M., Gründahl, M., Jachnik, A., Lampe, EC., Malik, I., Rittner, HL., Sommer, C., Hein, G. (2024). The Effect of Everyday-Life Social Contact on Pain.  Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26:e53830.
  10. Hein, G, Huestegge, L, Böckler-Raettig, A, Deserno, L, Eder, AB, Hewig, J, Hotho, A, Kittel-Schneider, S, Leutritz, AL, Reiter, AMF, Rodrigues, J, Gamer. M.  (2024). A social information processing perspective on social connectedness. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 105945.

Artikel (peer-reviewed)


Hein, G, Huestegge, L, Böckler-Raettig, A, Deserno, L, Eder, AB, Hewig, J, Hotho, A, Kittel-Schneider, S, Leutritz, AL, Reiter, AMF, Rodrigues, J, Gamer. M. (2024). A social information processing perspective on social connectedness.Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 105945.

Zhou, Y., Han, S., Kang, P., Tobler, P.N., Hein, G. (2024). The social transmission of empathy relies on observational reinforcement learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 10.1073, 2313073121

Saulin, A., Ting, C., Engelmann, J. B., Hein, G. (2024). Connected in bad times and in good times: Empathy induces stable social closeness. Journal of Neuroscience, 44 (23), 1108-23.2024

Saulin, A., Ma, Y., Hein, G. (2024). Empathy incites a stable prosocial decision biasCerebral Cortex, 34(7)

Mei, S., Weiß, M., Hein, G., Han, S. (2024). EEG evidence for racial ingroup bias in collective empathy for pain. Cerebral Cortex., 34, bhae019.

Weiß, M., Gutzeit, J., Hein, G. (2024). Development and validation of the domain-specific climate change distress scaleJournal of Environmental Psychology, Volume 98, 102392

Rodrigues, J., Leipold, N., Hewig, J., Hein, G. (2024). The relationship of the source of punishment and personality traits with investment and punishment in a public goods game. Scientific Reports, 14, 21046

Weiß, M., Gründahl, M., Jachnik, A., Lampe, EC., Malik, I., Rittner, HL., Sommer, C., Hein, G. (2024). The Effect of Everyday-Life Social Contact on Pain.  Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26:e53830

Weiß, M., Jachnik, A., Lampe, E.C., Gründahl, M., Harnik, M., Sommer, C., Rittner, H.L., Hein, G. (2024). Differential effects of everyday-life social support on chronic pain. BMC Neurology, 24, 301 

Heinig, I., Weiß, M., Hamm, A. O., Hein, G., Hollandt, M., Hoyer, J., Kanske, P., Richter, J., Wittchen, H.-U., Pittig, A. (2024). Exposure traced in daily life: improvements in ecologically assessed social and physical activity following exposure-based psychotherapy for anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 101, 102792.

Rodrigues, J., Weiß, M., Hein, G., Hewig, J. (2024). Electrophysiological correlates of why humans deviate from rational decision-making: A registered replication study. Psychophysiology, 58(9), e13883.

Weiß, M., Gutzeit, J., Pryss, R., Romanos, M., Deserno, L., Hein, G. (2024). Common and differential variables of anxiety and depression in adolescence: a nation-wide smartphone-based survey. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 18, 103

Gutzeit, J., Weiß, M., Nürnberger, C., Lemhöfer, D., Appel, K.S., Pracht, E., Reese, J.-P., Lehmann, C., Polidori, M.C., Hein, G., Deckert, J. (2024). Definitions and symptoms of the post-COVID syndrome: an updated systematic umbrella review.  Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2024

Reutter, M., Hutterer, K., Gründahl, M., Gall, D., Dannlowski, U., Domschke, K., Leehr, E.J., Lonsdorf, T.B.,  Lueken, U., Reif, A., Schiele, M.A., Zwanzger, P., Pauli, P., Gamer, M.*, Hein, G.* (2024). Mental health improvement after the COVID‑19 pandemic in individuals with psychological distress. Scientific Reports, 14, 5685.

Weiß, M., Gutzeit, J., Appel, K. S., Bahmer, T., Beutel, M., Deckert, J., ...  Hein, G. (2024). Depression and fatigue six months post-COVID-19 disease are associated with overlapping symptom constellations: A prospective, multi-center, population-based cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders.

Hartung, T. J. , Bahmer, T., Chaplinskaya-Sobol, I., Deckert, J., Endres, M., Franzpötter, K., Geritz, J., Haeusler, K. G., Hein, G., Heuschmann, P. U., Hopff, S. M., Horn, A., Keil, T., Krawczak, M., Krist, L., Lieb, W., Maetzler, C., Montellano, F. A., Morbach, C., Neumann, C., Nürnberger, C., Russ, A.-K., Schmidbauer, L., Schmidt, S., Schreiber, S., Steigerwald, F., Störk, S., Zoller, T., Maetzler, W., Finke, C. (2024). Predictors of non-recovery from fatigue and cognitive deficits after COVID-19: a prospective, longitudinal, population-based studyeClinicalMedicine, 69, 102456.

Weiß, M., Paelecke, M., Mussel, P., Hein, G. (2024). Neural dynamics of personality trait perception and interaction preferences. Scientific reports, 14(1), 30455.


Weiß, M., Gründahl, M., Jachnik, A.Hein, G. (2023). Who Is Interacting With Whom? Assessing the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Preferences for Interaction Partners in Real Life. [Registered Report] Collabra: Psychology, 9 (1): 91094.

Gründahl, M.*, Weiß, M.*, Stenzel, K., Deckert, J., Hein, G. (2023). The effects of everyday-life social interactions on anxiety-related autonomic responses differ between men and women. Scientific Reports, 13, 9498.

Weiß, M., Gründahl, M., Deckert, J., Eichner, F., Kohls, M., Störk, S., Heuschmann, P., Hein, G. (2023). Differential network interactions between psychosocial factors, mental health, and health-related quality of life in women and men. Scientific Reports, 13, 11642.

Weiß, M.*, Saulin, A.*, Iotzov, V., Hewig, J., Hein, G. (2023). Can monetary incentives overturn fairness-based decisions? [Registered Report] Royal Society Open Science, 10, 211983.

Weiß, M., Schulze J., Krumm, S., Göritz, A. S., Hewig, J., Mussel, P. (2023). Domain-Specific Greed. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672221148004.


Iotzov, V., Saulin, A., Kaiser, J., Han, S., Hein, G. (2022). Financial incentives facilitate stronger neural computation of prosocial decisions in lower empathic adult females. Social Neuroscience, 0(0) 1–21.

Iotzov, V., Weiß, M., Windmann, S., Hein, G. (2022). Valence framing induces cognitive bias. Current Psychology.

Saulin A., Horn U., Lotze M., Kaiser J., Hein G. (2022). The neural computation of human prosocial choices in complex motivational states. NeuroImage, 247, 118827.

Rodrigues, J., Weiß, M., Mussel, P., Hewig, J. (2022). On second thought… the influence of a second stage in the ultimatum game on decision behavior, electro‐cortical correlates and their trait interrelation. Psychophysiology, 59(7), e14023.

Mussel, P., Weiß, M., Rodrigues, J., Heekeren, H., Hewig. J. (2022). Neural correlates of successful costly punishment in the Ultimatum game on a trial-by-trial basis. Social Cognitive und Affective Neuroscience, 17(6), 590-597.

Weiß, M., Rodrigues, J., Hewig. J. (2022). Big Five Personality Factors in Relation to Coping with Contact Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Small Sample Study.Social Sciences, 11 (10), 466.

Weiß, M., Vassil, I., Zhou, Y.Hein, G. (2022). The bright and dark sides of egoism. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.

Hübner, T., Wolfgang, T., Theis, A. C., Steber, M., Wiedenmann, L., Wöckel, A., Diessner, J., Hein, G., Gründahl, M., Kämmerer, U., Kittel-Schneider, S., Bartmann, C. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stress and other psychological factors in pregnant women giving birth during the first wave of the pandemic.Reproductive Health, 19(1), 189.

Gründahl M., Weiß M., Maier L., Hewig J., Deckert J., Hein G. (2022). Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Loneliness and Isolation during Social Distancing and its Effect on Mental Health.Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 798596.

Weiß, M., Baumeister, H., Cohrdes, C., Deckert, J., Gründahl, M., Pryss, R., Hein, G. (2022). Extraversion moderates the relationship between social media use and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 8, 100343.

Zhou, Y., Lindström B., Soutchek, A., Kang, P., Tobler P. N.*, Hein, G* (2022). Learning from ingroup experiences changes attitudes and neural responses towards outgroups. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(36), 6931–6945.


Gründahl M., Retzlaff L., Herrmann M., Andreatta M.*, Hein G.* (2021). The skin conductance response indicating pain relief is independent of self or social influence on pain.Psychophysiology, 59(3), e13978.

Hein G.*, Gamer M.*, Gall D., Gründahl M., Domschke K., Andreatta M., Wieser M. J., & Pauli P. (2021). Social cognitive factors outweigh negative emotionality in predicting Covid-19 related safety behavior.Preventive Medicine Reports, 24, 101559.

Qi Y., Bruch D., Krop P., Herrmann M. J., Latoschik M. E., Deckert J., Hein, G. (2021).Social buffering of human fear is shaped by gender, social concern and the presence of real vs virtual agents. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 641.

Voit, M., Weiß, M., Hewig, J. (2021). The benefits of beauty–Individual differences in the pro-attractiveness bias in social decision making. Current Psychology.

Weiß, M., Hein, G., Hewig, J. (2021). Between joy and sympathy: smiling and sad recipient faces increase prosocial behavior in the dictator game. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 6172.

Schmid, B., Schulz, S. M., Schuler, M., Göpfert, D., Hein, G., Heuschmann, P., Wumb, T., Pauli, P., Meybohm, P., Rittner, H. L. (2021). Impaired psychological well-being of healthcare workers in a German department of anesthesiology is independent of immediate SARS-CoV-2 exposure–a longitudinal observational study. German Medical Science: GMS e-journal, 19, Doc11.

Eichner, F. A., Gelbrich, G., Weißbrich, B., Dölken, L., Kurzai, O., Deckert, J., Ertl, G., Barth, M., Hein, G., Neuhauser, H., Morbach, C., Störk, S., Heuschmann, P. (2021). Seroprävalenz von COVID-19 und psychosoziale Auswirkungen in der Allgemeinbevölkerung: Ergebnisse des STAAB-COVID-One Programms. Das Gesundheitswesen, 83(12), 965–975.

Beierle, F., Schobel, J., Vogel, C., Allgaier, J., Mulansky, L., Haug, F., Haug, J., Schlee, W., Holfelder, M., Stach, M., Schickler, M., Baumeister, H., Cohrdes, C., Deckert, J., Deserno, L., Edler, J. S., Eichner, F. A., Greger, H., Hein, G., Heuschmann, P., … Weiß, M., Pryss, R. (2021). Corona Health – A Study- and Sensor-based Mobile App Platform Exploring Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7395.

Weiß, M., Paelecke, M., & Hewig, J. (2021). In your face (t)—Personality traits interact with prototypical personality faces in economic decision making.Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 652506.

Rodrigues, J., Weiß, M., Hewig, J., Allen, J.JB. (2021). EPOS: EEG processing open-source scripts. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 660449.

Kang, P., Burke, C. J., Tobler, P. N.*, Hein, G.* (2021). Why we learn less from observing outgroups. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(1), 144-152.

bis 2020

Gründahl M., Deckert J., Hein G. (2020). Three questions to consider before using ecological momentary interventions (EMI) in psychiatry. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 333.

Qi Y., Herrmann M. J., Bell L., Fackler A., Han S., Deckert J., Hein G. (2020). The mere physical presence of another person reduces human autonomic responses to aversive sounds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 287(1919) 20192241.

Schütz, M., Ciaramidaro, A., Martinelli, A., Öller, R., Hartmann, D., Hein, G., Iotzov, V., Colle, L., Becchio, C., Walter, H., Freitag, C. M. (2020). Communicative Intentions in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 79, 101666.

Luo, S., Zhang, T., Li, W., Yu, M., Hein, G., Han, S. (2019). Interactions between oxytocin receptor gene and intergroup relationship on empathic neural responses to others' pain. Social Cognitive und Affective Neuroscience, 14(5), 505-517.

Hein, G., Engelmann, J. B., Tobler, P. N. (2018). Pain relief provided by an outgroup member enhances analgesia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 285(1887), 20180501.

Windmann, S., Hein, G. (2018). Altruism from the perspective of the social neuroscience. Neuroforum, 24(1), A11-A18.

Hein, G., Engelmann, J. B., Vollberg, M., Tobler P. N. (2016). How learning shapes the empathic brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(1), 80-85.

Hein, G., Morishima, Y., Sul, S., Leiberg, S., Fehr, E. (2016). The brain's functional architecture reveals human motives. Science, 351(6277), 1074-1078.
- Comment: Gluth, S., & Fontanesi, L. (2016). Wiring the altruistic brain. Science, 351(6277), 1028-1029.

Baumgartner, T., Saulin, A., Hein, G., Knoch, D. (2016). Structural differences in insular cortex reflect vicarious injustice insensitivity. Plos One, 11(12), e0167538.

Sul, S., Tobler, P. N., Hein, G., Leiberg, S., Jung, D., Fehr, E., Kim, H. (2015). Spatial gradient in other-regarding value representation along the medial prefrontal cortex predicts individual differences in altruism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(25), 7851-7856.

Hein, G., Silani, G., Preuschoff, K., Batson, C. D., Singer, T. (2010). Neural responses to ingroup and outgroup members’ suffering predict individual differences in costly helping. Neuron, 68(1), 149-160.

Naumer, M. J., Ratz, L., Yalachkov, Y., Polony, A., Doehrmann, O., van de Ven, V., Müller, N. G., Kaiser, J., Hein, G. (2010). Visuo-haptic convergence in a corticocerebellar network. European Journal of Neuroscience, 31(10), 1730-1736.

Naumer, M. J., Doehrmann O., Müller N. G., Muckli L., Kaiser J., Hein, G. (2009). Learning-induced cortical plasticity of audio-visual object representations. Cerebral Cortex, 19(7), 1641-1653.

Hein, G. & Singer, T. (2008). I feel how you feel but not always: The Empathic Brain and its Modulation. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 18(2), 153-158.

Fuhrmann* Alpert, G., Hein*, G., Tsai, N., Naumer, M. J., Knight, R. T. (2008). Temporal characteristics of audiovisual information processing. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(20), 5344-5349.
- Comment: Liang, M. van Leeuwen, T. M., & Proux, M. J. (2008). Propagation of brain activity during audiovisual integration. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(36), 8861.

Hein, G., Knight, R. T. (2008). Superior temporal sulcus – It’s my area: Or is it? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(12), 2125-2136.

Hein, G., Alink, A., Kleinschmidt, A., Mueller, N. G. (2008). The attentional blink modulates activity in early visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(1), 197-206.

Hein, G., Alink, A., Kleinschmidt, A., Müller, N. G. (2007). Competing neural responses for auditory and visual decisions. PloS One, 2(3), e320.

Hein, G., Doehrmann O., Müller N. G., Kaiser J., Muckli L., Naumer M. J. (2007). Object familiarity and semantic congruency modulate responses in cortical audiovisual integration areas. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(30), 7881-7887.

Hein, G., Lamm C., Brodbeck C., Singer T. (2011). Skin conductance response to the pain of others predicts later costly helping. PLoS One, 6(8), e22759.

Hein, G., Parr, A., Duncan, J. (2006). Within modality and cross modality attentional blinks in a simple discrimination task.Perception & Psychophysics, 68(1), 54-61.

Hein, G., Schubert, T., von Cramon, D. Y. (2005). Closed-head injury and perceptual processing in dual-task situations. Experimental Brain Research, 160(2), 223-234.

Hein, G., Schubert, T. (2004). Aging and input processing in dual-task situations. Psychology and Aging, 19(3), 416-432.

Friederici, A. D., Kotz, S. A., Werheid K., Hein, G., & von Cramon, D. Y. (2003). Syntactic comprehension in Parkinson’s disease: investigating early automatic and late integrational processes using event-related brain potentials.Neuropsychology, 17(1), 133-142.

Kotz, S. A., Frisch, S., Werheid, K., Hein, G., von Cramon, D. Y., Friederici, A. D. (2002). The role of the basal ganglia in syntactic language processing: Event-related potential evidence from different patient populations and syntactic paradigms.Brain and Language, 83(1), 68-70.

In principle accepted (IPA) registered reports and preprints

Pollerhoff, L., Saulin, A., Kurtz, M., Stietz, J., Peng, X.-R., Hein, G., Tusche, A., Kanske, P., Li, S.-C., and Reiter, A. M. F. (2023). Adult Age Differences in the Integration of Values for Self and Other. Preprint available at:

Zhou, Y., Lindström, B., Soutschek, A., Kang, P., Han, S., Tobler, P.N., Hein, G. (2024). Learning reduces Ingroup Bias More with Perceived Losses than Gains Across Cultures.

Stenzel, K, Weiß, M, Hein, G. A negative reputation reduces trust despite trustworthy behavior. Authorea. November 18, 2024. Preprint. DOI:

Bischofberger, J. A., Saulin, A., Zhou, Y., Hein, G. (2025). Learning from financial rewards and punishments reduces the ingroup bias in social approach without changing the ingroup bias in impressions. Preprint.

Bücher und Buchkapitel

Zhou, Y. &  Hein, G. (2022). The neuroscience of prosocial behavior towards in- and outgroup members. In P. Molenbergh (Ed.), The neuroscience of intergroup relations: Global perspectives on the neural underpinnings of intergroup behaviour, ingroup bias and prejudice (pp. 111-126). Routledge.

Hein, G., Qi, Y.,  & Han, S. (2021). The biological foundations and modulation of empathy. In P. M. A. van Lange, E. T. Higgins, & A. W. Kruglanski (Eds.), Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (3rd Ed.) (pp.127-140). The Guilford Press.

Saulin, A. & Hein, G. (2020). Empathie bei Mensch und Tier. In U. Lüke, & G. Souvignier (Eds.), Der Mensch - ein Tier. Und sonst? Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen (pp. 99-123). Verlag Herder.

Hein, G. (2018). Neurowissenschaftliche Sozialpsychologie oder Soziale Neurowissenschaften. In O. Decker (Ed.), Sozialpsychologie und Sozialtheorie, Band 1: Zugänge (pp. 189-202). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Hein, G. (2013). Empathy and resilience in a connected world. In M. Kent, M. C. Davis, & J. W. Reich (Eds.), The resilience handbook: approaches to stress and trauma (pp. 144-155). Routledge.

Engelmann, J. B. &  Hein, G. (2013). Contextual and social influences on valuation and choice. In V. S. C. Pammi & N. Srinivasan (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research, (Vol. 202, pp. 215-237). Elsevier.

Singer, T., & Hein, G. (2012). Human empathy through the lens of psychology and social neuroscience. In F. B. M. de Waal & P. F. Ferrari (Eds.), The primate mind (pp. 158-174). Harvard University Press.

- Book review: Keysers, C. (2012). Primate cognition: Copy that. Nature, 482(7384), 158-159.

Hein, G. (2011). Glück in den Neurowissenschaften: Was zeigen bildgebende Verfahren? In D. Thomä, C. Henning,  & O. Mitcherlich (Eds.), Glück: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (pp. 374-383). Metzler.

Hein, G. & Singer, T. (2009). Neuroscience meets social psychology: an integrative approach to human empathy and prosocial behavior. In M. Mikulincer & P. R. Shaver (Eds). Prosocial motives, emotions, and behavior: The better angels of our nature (pp. 109–125). APA press.


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